What is driving up SA’s white maize prices?
OpinionWe continue to see a surge in SA’s white maize spot price — trading at more than R6,400 per tonne by December 11, up ...
SA’s efforts to control animal disease spread must be lauded
OpinionThe past three years have been challenging for SA’s livestock and poultry industry because of the spread of animal ...
Agricultural export promotion vital for growth, job creation
OpinionThere is consensus among SA’s agribusinesses, farmers and the government that the path to growing the agricultural ...
SA’s weak agricultural machinery sales not best gauge for upcoming season
OpinionOrdinarily, we use agricultural machinery sales to gauge farmers’ intentions for the season ahead.
Winter crop season shaping better than challenging summer period — but it’s early days
OpinionSA’s agricultural sector is now in what some would consider a relatively quiet period before we start the busy period ...
SA’s agricultural export growth cooled off in the second quarter
OpinionSA has an export led agricultural sector, and thus we pay particular attention on the trade performance of the sector ...
SA’s winter crop prospects mixed
OpinionSA’s 2024-25 winter crop season is under way, and some regions of the Western Cape — the largest province for winter ...
Impact of drought beginning to reach consumers
OpinionWe had a tough summer season in Southern Africa, with El Niño-induced drought that led to significant crop failures in ...
Let’s revive our small towns through agriculture and agritourism
OpinionHaving spent the first week of August 2024 in the Karoo region of the Northern Cape among farmers, attending meetings, ...
We must embrace science in SA agriculture
OpinionSA’s agriculture must constantly monitor global developments and risks that could undermine its competitiveness in the ...