Celebrating 86 years of academic excellence at St George's Preparatory
School joins Curro Holdings but retains its rich traditions and history
St George’s Preparatory recently joined Curro Holdings as a Curro Select school. Through this partnership it can access a network of academic support while maintaining its heritage, ethos, traditions and uniform.
Its rich history and dedication to academic excellence has brought the school to its proud celebration of 86 years of existence in 2022.
A journey from three years to Grade 7
In the Pre-Preparatory phase, children are divided into classes by age group, thus sharing a safe space with their peers. These small class sizes allow the dedicated teachers get to know each child personally, and deliver individual attention in a way that each child needs.
Preparatory learners then gradually develop skills and knowledge in basic areas such as language, mathematics and creative problem-solving, in an enjoyable environment. Learners are also introduced to project-based learning and gain skills through subjects such as robotics, computer skills, music, art, drama and isiXhosa as a conversational language.
School activities and excellent facilities
Children in the Pre-Preparatory phase learn by discovering the world around them. Therefore the school has lots of room for them to run, play, climb and engage their curiosity as they wish. Both phases accommodate working parents by having supervised aftercare facilities.
Specialised facilities, depending on the phase, include fully equipped laboratories, an indoor heated pool, a learning-support department, a multimedia library, the Carol Arts and Media Centre, and more.
A technology-rich space
Learners from Grade 4 onwards work on laptops or 2-in-1 devices to phase out heavy textbooks, which allows teachers to share information or send informal assessments to learners at the press of a button. Through this approach, learners become equipped with 21st-century skills.
Join our open day
An open day for prospective Grade 1 parents (for 2023) will be held on Wednesday March 2 2022 from 8.30 to 9.30, while an open day for the pre-preparatory phase will be held on Friday March 4 from 8.30 to 9.30.
Book your spot by contacting the school: call on 041-585-4825 or send an email to info.stgeorges@curro.co.za.
Enrolments are open for 2022 and 2023
Visit our website for more information at www.curro.co.za.
This article was paid for by St George's Preparatory.