The Children’s Rights coin features artwork by Nene Mahlangu, which represents the human rights children have been afforded access too.
"The R2 Children’s Rights circulation coin stands for the human rights children have had access to over the past 25 years of constitutional democracy," SA Mint wrote in a statement.
"Every child needs physical protection, food, education and healthcare. In SA, children’s rights include the equal protection of their civil rights and freedom from discrimination on the basis of innate characteristics such as race, gender, nationality and disability to name but a few.
"Mahlangu wanted the coin’s design to display the joy of children and engender a sense of nostalgia in adults, in the hope of fostering the united goal of protecting the children in our nation."
Have you seen our new R2 and R5 coins?
The coin range celebrates 25 years of democracy
The new series of South African coins designed to celebrate 25 years of democracy will be in circulation in the upcoming weeks.
In partnership with the South African Reserve Bank, the South African Mint launched the series of six new commemorative circulation coins as part of its ‘SA25 – Celebrating South Africa' coin series on Wednesday.
One of the coin designs include a minibus taxi and a bird carrying a key.
Citing this as his most significant and challenging work as an artist, Rasty Knayles said he endeavored to illustrate how free people were to explore the beautiful country.
The emblems on the coins portray the freedom 25 years of constitutional democracy has given, SA Mint said.
The Children’s Rights coin features artwork by Nene Mahlangu, which represents the human rights children have been afforded access too.
"The R2 Children’s Rights circulation coin stands for the human rights children have had access to over the past 25 years of constitutional democracy," SA Mint wrote in a statement.
"Every child needs physical protection, food, education and healthcare. In SA, children’s rights include the equal protection of their civil rights and freedom from discrimination on the basis of innate characteristics such as race, gender, nationality and disability to name but a few.
"Mahlangu wanted the coin’s design to display the joy of children and engender a sense of nostalgia in adults, in the hope of fostering the united goal of protecting the children in our nation."
Here's a look at the other coins and a bit of their background:
Let us live and strive for freedom:
"Lady Skollie’s design of the R5 circulation coin shows masses placing their votes for a nation void of discrimination, where all people are equal.
"Having such a monumental effect on our history in its condemnation of this much-maligned system, the words 'to live and strive for freedom' ring true and were included in the South African national anthem."
Freedom of religion, belief and opinion
"Peter Mammes successfully depicted this in his design of this R2 circulation coin by using raised hands – the sign language for religion.
"The hands on their own do not convey gender, colour, age or any information that might exclude any group. They convey a sense of unity and freedom, speaking universally to everyone across every creed and religion."
Environmental rights
"Designer Maaike Bakker featured simplified and integrated elements in the R2 Environmental Rights circulation coin’s artistry, portraying the great outdoors across SA.
"Her desire is that the majestic environment we live in, will be protected and preserved, so all who inhabit it, may enjoy it."
Right to education
"Designed by Neo Mahlangu, the R2 Right to Education circulation coin represents the commitment to providing access to education in this country.
"The coin design illustrates education at different levels, from pre-school right up to the individual pursuing qualifications in their mature years."
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