'Man of God' dribbled by Zuma in parliament list wins case against MKP

This is the second legal blow to MKP this week

Bishop Nchime Sophonia Tsekedi (in white) with Jacob Zuma at the Rivers of Living Waters Ministries. File photo.
Bishop Nchime Sophonia Tsekedi (in white) with Jacob Zuma at the Rivers of Living Waters Ministries. File photo.
Image: Rivers of Living Waters Ministries/Facebook

Bishop-turned-politician Sophonia Tsekedi, who topped the MK Party (MKP) parliament candidate list but was not appointed when the party won 58 seats after the May 29 elections, has won a case against the party.

Tsekedi, leader of the All African Alliance Movement (AAAM) which endorsed the MKP, was first on the MKP list after party leader Jacob Zuma was barred from running for parliament.

He and Khethiso Tebe, who held the seventh spot on the candidate list, challenged their removal from the parliament list at the Western Cape High Court. 

The court on Thursday set aside the party's decision to remove them.

“The decision of the fourth respondent, uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) Party, to expel the applicants from the party and remove their names from the list of candidates published in the Government Gazette to serve as representatives in the National Assembly and provincial legislature, as indicated in the schedule, is reviewed and set aside,” the court order read. 

Tsekedi had supported and embraced Zuma during campaigns in churches.

The MK Party's parliament list.
The MK Party's parliament list.
Image: Screenshot

This is the second legal blow to MKP this week. MKP Mpumalanga leader Mary Phadi won a case against the party after being removed in October amid allegations she ordered the assassination of a party member and misused party funds.

On Tuesday Phadi won the initial stage of her case against the MKP at the Mpumalanga High Court in Mbombela.

The court's interim order directs for Phadi to be reinstated as party leader and as an MPL.

“The applicant shall retain her position as a deployee of the MKP to the Mpumalanga provincial legislature as a member of the provincial legislature [MPL],” the interim order read.

Speaking to TimesLIVE, Phadi described allegations levelled against her as “propaganda” stirred by party members for her to be fired and for former public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane to take over as party leader in the province.



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